So, it's been a while since I wrote an update about my life in general, outside of traveling.
Work: I've finally started working in the Human Resources Office (HRO) and I love it! I love the 3 women I work with in HR and I love the work I'm doing. I finally feel like I'm doing something productive and useful for the organization. I also feel a higher sense of personal accomplishment when I go home at the end of the day maybe because Human Resources is something I'm interested in, have previous experience/knowledge in, and am more passionate also helps that I'm getting on-the-job training and support. However, I'm still working in IT 2 days/week, Thursdays and Fridays.
Life: Just a few things...Yes, I'm still wearing my glasses as a result of the eye infection/dry eye thing that started back in July but I feel like my vision is finally getting better...after wearing my glasses for 5 months. I just ordered new glasses yesterday and I can't wait for them to arrive! Maybe then I'll be more excited about wearing glasses everyday but I still can't wait to be able to wear my contacts again!
I've always been a photography enthusiast and have contemplated many times upgrading to a nicer camera (I've only used a point-and-shoot up to this point in my life). However, after my point-and-shoot died in Bamberg, I've decided it's finally time to upgrade to a DSLR. I've thought about this many times before, however, couldn't justify it because I wasn't taking lots of photos on a regular basis. Now that I'm traveling all over Europe, I feel that the cost can be justified because I have lots of opportunities to take pictures. So, hopefully soon I will decide which model is best for me and enter a whole new world of photography!
Weather: We got our first snow here in Garmisch last week -- it snowed Wednesday and Thursday and it was beautiful! (Unfortunately my camera was broke and I don't have a new one no pictures). Sure, there wasn't a whole lot of snow down here but there was enought o cover the ground and enough that I had to scrape my work and personal vehicles. Theyr'e calling for more snow this weekend! :) Today, it's just cold and rainy - a perfect day to stay at home, drink hot chocolate, and burn my "Christmas Cookie" candle! However, I'm at work, which is also not too bad of a thing to do on a cold. dreary, rainy day...
Travel: I'm off to Sweden next week! I'll be gone for four days with Terri, my roommate. Bamberg was the last trip I took. I've just been relaxing and enjoying the smaller/more local things recently. This weekend I'll be around, enjoying the small pleasures of Bavaria...Spa, museums, and markets.
Room: The room is cute, cozy, and ready for the Holidays. I have a Santa counting down til Christmas, a house with a snowman to burn tealights inside of and illuminate the house windows, the Christmas Cookie candle by Yankee Candle, and a great view of the snow-covered mountains. There's nothing better than coming home after working all day, lighting the Christmas Cookie Candle, turning the heat up, drinking some hot chocolate, and curling up in bed with a good book! I've also got a cute new "desk" in the room - I found a neat white-marble lamp at the thrift store for $3 and it works! So, the desk has become one of my favorite spots in the room. It's by the window and provides a great place for me to play on my laptop or eat meals.
Hopefully, I'll have a camera soon and can post some pictures of the snow-covered mountains and my room!
A Post from my Sister about her time in Ukraine
11 years ago